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Cậu bé vâng lời


a good boy

Tom was seven years old, and he was going to school soon. He was a good boy, but he didn’t like to get up early. He slept until nine or ten o’clock in the morning.

Tom 7 tuổi, và cậu sắp đi học. Cậu là một cậu bé ngoan, nhưng không bao giờ thích thức dậy sớm vào buổi sáng. Đến 9 hoặc 10 giờ sáng cậu mới ngủ dậy.

His mother didn’t want Tom to be late for school. So, she bought him an alarm clock. She said to Tom, “You must get up when you hear the clock ring.” After that, Tom got up when he heard the clock ring at six thirty every morning.

Mẹ của Tom không muốn cậu ấy trễ học. Vì vậy bà ấy mua cho Tom 1 cái đồng hồ báo thức. Bà ấy nói với Tom, “Con phải thức dậy khi nghe chuông đồng hồ reo, con nhé!”. Những ngày sau đó, Tom đã thức dậy khi cậu ấy nghe chuông đồng hồ reo lúc 6h30 mỗi buổi sáng.

One day, the clock didn’t work. Tom didn’t get up at six thirty. It was time for breakfast his mother went to wake him up. Tom said to his mother, “I woke up very early.” “Then why didn’t you get up?” Mother was angry. “You told me that I must get up when I heard the clock ring. So, I’m still waiting for the bell

Một ngày nọ, đồng hồ báo thức không reo. Tom đã không dậy lúc 6h 30. Tới giờ ăn sáng mẹ cậu ấy đã gọi cậu ấy dậy. Tom đã nói với mẹ, “Con đã thức dậy rất sớm.” “Vậy tại sao con không ra khỏi phòng?” Mẹ rất giận dữ. Tom nói, “ Mẹ đã nói với con rằng khi con nghe tiếng chuông báo thức thì mới dậy. Vì vậy con mãi chờ tiếng chuông báo thức mới dậy mẹ ạ!

Words and phrases in this story:

👦Sleep – slept – slept (v) = the resting state in which the body is not active and the mind in unconscious = ngủ
👦An alarm clock = a clock that you can set to wake you up at a particular time with a loud noise = đồng hồ báo thức
👦Hear – heard – heard (v) = to receive or become concious of a sound using your ears = nghe
👦It was time for breafast (tạm dịch) = đến giờ ăn sáng

👦Wake up – woke/ waked up – waken/ waked up (irregular verb/ regular verb) = become awake and consious after sleeping =  thức giấc

Phân biệt get up và wake up:

Wake up = to stop sleeping and open your eyes.
When your alarm clock goes off in the morning you wake up because you are no longer sleeping.
You can wake up naturally (you body doesn't need to sleep any more) or something or someone can wake you up such as an alarm clock or a friend (or dog) jumping on your bed.
Wake up is a phrasal verb so only the first part, the verb, changes according to the tense.
Get up = to get out of bed (usually to start your day).
Get up can also mean: To go from a lying position onto your feet.

ST và soạn bởi: Springclover

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