The Christmas season is coming soon, if you are considering purchasing a real or fake tree, there are some recommended things for you.
As you know, real trees have a wonderful piney smell (it can have the smell at least for seven days). But they tend to get brittle and dry or even shed messy pine needles when time goes on. According to a survey, only two percent of Christmas tree buyers still cut down trees from forests, but until the 1940s, it was a real concern of forest depletion. Now, you can get the trees from Christmas tree farms near your house. However, there are usually pesticides on these trees that can harm birds and probably human beings. Moreover, throwing these trees out after the festive season adds to the garbage problem - if you don’t recycle them. How about a fake tree?
When buying a fake tree, it can be reused yearly and it is also easy for you to set up and take down and needless to say, there would be no shedding! But this kind of tree is usually made of the PVC (plastic polyvinyl Chloride) that releases the chemical dioxin and has been found to be contaminated with lead, this does harm to organ damage in animals. Further, the manufacturing and transporting of so many plastic trees from China leaves a large amount of carbon footprint. and last but not least, it can’t be recycled.
There is little difference between the fake and the real tree about environmental impact, but it said artificial trees were slightly worse. The best way is to buy a potted Christmas tree that you can replant later or another solution is to rent a potted tree that can be returned to the farm after the festival.
Những từ vựng cần lưu ý:
🎄consider (v) = think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision: suy nghĩ kỹ về điều gì, thông thường trước khi đưa ra 1 quyết định, căn nhắc
🎄purchase (v) = buy: mua
🎄real or fake: thật hay giả
🎄piney smell: có mùi gỗ thông
🎄tend (v): có xu hướng
🎄get brittle and dry: trở nên giòn và khô
🎄concern (n) = worry: mối bận tâm
🎄forest depletion: tình trạng suy giảm về số lượng cây trong rừng
🎄pesticide (n) = a substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals: thuốc trừ sâu
🎄add to: thêm vào
🎄reuse = use again and more than once
🎄set up: dựng lên
🎄take down: hạ xuống
🎄release (v): tiết ra, giải phóng
🎄chemical dioxin: chất dioxin là tên chung dùng để chỉ hàng trăm hợp chất hóa học tồn tại rất lâu dài, nó thâm nhập vào thiên nhiên cũng như cơ thể con người và các động thực vật khác. Dioxin là sản phẩm phụ, xuất hiện khi chế tạo những chất hóa học công nghiệp liên quan đến clo như thuốc trừ sâu (pesticide), thuốc tẩy trắng (whitening bleach)...
🎄environmental impact: tác động đến môi trường
🎄replant (v): trồng lại
🎄potted: trong chậu, đã được trồng sẵn
Biên soạn bởi: Springclover
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